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WP Engine
Premium WordPress Hosting Solutions
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WP Engine Reviews & Product Details

WP Engine Overview
What is WP Engine?

WP Engine is the go-to name for hassle-free, WordPress hosting. It provides companies across different platforms the flexibility, agility, and intelligence to drive their businesses forward. Offering multiple integrations, it supports organizational growth and scalability and is trusted by over 120,000 users across 150 countries around the world. It also offers premium managed hosting services at accessible price points.

Company WP Engine, Inc.
Year founded 2010
Company size 501-1000 employees
Headquarters Austin, Texas, United States
Social Media
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WP Engine Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
WP Engine Pros and Cons
  • Impressive page speeds
  • Extensive support–reliable phone support and access to tutorials and how-tos
  • Great backup and version control features
  • Easy to use team mamangement tools
  • LImited to WordPress users
  • Has visitor limits
WP Engine Features
Backup and Restore
Bandwidth Allocation
CDN Integration
CMS Integration
Caching Options
Control Panel Integration
Cron Job Scheduling
Custom Error Pages
Customer Support
DNS Management
Data Center Locations
Database Support
Developer Tools
Domain Registration
E-commerce Capabilities
Email Hosting
FTP Access
Multi-domain Hosting
Resource Monitoring
SSH Access
SSL Certificates
Scalability Options
Security Features
Server Configuration Options
Site Migration Assistance
Staging Environment
Storage Space
Subdomain Management
Uptime Guarantee
Website Builder
WP Engine Media
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WP Engine Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: July 07, 2024
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283 WP Engine Reviews
4.6 out of 5
Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 30, 2017
Overall Rating:
Robert L.
Web, Seo, And Marketing Contractor
"Always amazing service and support"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WPE is there to help, whenever needed, and always gets any issue I have resolved quickly and easily.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The mandatory cache while in development can cause some issues. The cost can be a hard sell for clients who only look at dollars. But see below.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

I maintain and work on a lot of wordpress sites. WPE offers the best managed hosting I have used, which keeps wordpress secure yet still fully functional. The benefits of this are time and money saved for my clients, time and money not spent, say, unhacking a site, or, manually reinstalling WP or reverting to older versions. WPE has saved me many hours, and my clients literally (at least) hundreds of dollars just this year alone.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 29, 2017
Overall Rating:
Alex B. avatar
Alex B.
Head Of Product & Market Strategy At Branch
"Without question, the best WordPress host on the market today"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WordPress is everywhere for good reason — it works, and it's easy for anyone to get started. But anyone who has used WordPress at a enterprise level knows it also comes with many limitations. Thankfully, WordPress seems to be 'growing up', and WP Engine is right on the cutting edge of this effort. Top-notch support (both live chat and phone) by engineers who actually know what they're doing, developer-grade tools like git access and automated staging deployments, and of course bullet-proof infrastructure with regular updates. I have used WordPress on both standard servers and other 'Managed' hosts. WP Engine has always come out at the top, and I now bring any new projects here by default.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I appreciate that blacklisted plugins exist to keep the platform healthy, but for this price I expect some degree of leeway (and a better process for reconsideration when plugins are updated). The default caching configuration is generally sensible, but some especially advanced implementations will require working with the support team since there are no user-level configuration options.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Headache-free hosting for various web properties. We don't have to spend time thinking about infrastructure and security.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 27, 2017
Overall Rating:
Jeff L.
"Best Wordpress Hosting. Period."
What do you like best about WP Engine?

I love the fact that WPEngine only focuses on Wordpress hosting. When a company focuses on just one CMS, then you get experts on that CMS. Everything just works and if you have an issue, their chat support is quick and thorough, solving your issue quickly,

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

There is not really much not to like. Their pricing is higher than most, but it's well worth the value.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WPEngine stays on top of security risks on the Wordpress platform and heads those off. There is also tremendous value in being able to spin up a Wordpress instance in the matter of minutes which makes building websites extremely fast. The automated daily backups are also like an insurance policy on your site so in the rare case you blow up your site, you are not spending a ton of time backtracking and recovering.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 27, 2017
Overall Rating:
Oscar S.
Digital Marketing Director
"The best managed WordPress hosting platform I have come accross"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The thing I like best about WP Engine is that they have excellent support. I've used them for over 2 years in a corporate website setting and they have never let me down. They make my job a lot easier and the price point is more than affordable. I also like their daily backups, system for creating FTP accounts, and easy-as-pie process for adding certs to the site (you call them and they do it for you).

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

There is not much to dislike about WPEngine. If I were to stretch for a criticism, i would have to say that they could do a better job marketing themselves. I've seen a lot of review sites that don't include them when they should be at the top of the list. I would think that there is room for some differentiation with regard to product offering as well.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

There was a time when an organization needed a back-end web developer and/or system administrator to ensure that all web systems ran properly. With WP Engine that is no longer the case. I have found that the combination of a WordPress CMS and WP Engine enables front-end only administration in most cases.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 25, 2017
Overall Rating:
Nathan S.
Marketing Communications Manager
"My day job is in marketing communications; I freelance for small clients developing custom themes"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Stellar service. Not only do they explain the issue and how it's resolved, but they actually do it for you in many cases. I have yet to get support like this from any company of any kind. Support usually answers quickly and follow up when necessary. Aside from the support, the platform is just snappy. I have noticed a big difference when switching sites to WPengine. Even though I'm a relatively small fry, their service treats me like VIP.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Only thing is LiveChat wait time during peak hours is creeping a bit longer, but this is obviously a sign pointing towards an uptick in business. That uptick is because WPengine is a great company to work with and rely on for critical hosting needs.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Excellent support, which mitigates any issues or downtime as quickly as possible. I never feel like I'm put on the back burner, and this makes me look great for my clients. Also, when sites respond and load quickly, it saves me precious time that I'm able to put out other fires with.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 25, 2017
Overall Rating:
Matthew H.
"Taking the hassle out of WordPress hosting"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Having sites hosted with WP Engine means that I have no worries now when it comes to updates to WordPress. Where as before I had to go through time consuming backup processes before making updates now it's just a simple click and done. Any problems and it's undone in seconds. Another major plus point for the system is the ability to setup as many development sites as we want without this impacting on our billing. This way we can proof of concept various sites to clients before committing to a new package with WP Engine.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The only thing I dislike is the incremental pricing structure currently, but this is nothing major as we would be looking to upgrade to a higher package in the future to help with this.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

For us one of the major benefits is being able to have confidence that "if" there is a problem, that WP Engine will fix it swiftly for us. We have had a couple of issues (with updates) that the support staff have fixed with no fuss. One big benefit for us is the saving in time we now get with the system. Previously things like a new deployment / migrating a site / updating WordPress / setting up a development site - these all took large amounts of time to implement. But now we can do all of these actions in a few clicks with confidence that the system is going to work for us.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 25, 2017
Overall Rating:
Stephen S.
Senior Creative
"Simple powerful hosting for amazing security for your WordPress creations"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The simplicity of use and security which we use daily, issues can be rolled back instantly and new designs and development can be worked on in staging before deployment. New deployments are quick and easy to release and all options are right there in the dash like php My Admin.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The cost is higher than other solutions but this is something which we sell to our clients as a premium product. We sometimes find caching issues on some sites where we have to keep purging the cache to ensure changes are revealed.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

My previous hosting was on a virtual server which I managed via Plesk which was time consuming and at times difficult to manage. Back ups are daily with WP Engine along with the use of staging which we use to test new creation before deployment.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 25, 2017
Overall Rating:
Ryan S.
Accounts Manager
"WPEngine What a Great Hosting Partner!"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The first thing I love about WPEngine is that they handle the hosting, I handle the development and design, and don't have to mess much with the hosting. We are not a hosting company nor do we want to be. WPEngine has been a Great Hosting Partner.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I have yet to run into anything I don't like, not to say there is not something that will come up, but as of yet with a little over a year, I have yet to run into whatever it may be. Not to say I have not broken stuff :) but they are always there via phone or chat to fix it. The support reps are nice, they speak plain English and very knowledgeable about WordPress and their own Hosting platform. They have helped me with DNS and Domain issues too in the past with other hosting support they have told me to contact CloudFlare, or my domain registrar. But WPEngine staff help me get it fixed.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

The first thing that I already mentioned is that we are not a hosting company. We want our customers to have fast reliable hosting, but we do not want to put countless hours of non-billable hours into fixing any hosting issues that may come up. I handed this headache over to WPEnginge a while ago and I am happy to have a full team of professionals to handle that for my clients.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 24, 2017
Overall Rating:
Raymond S.
Consultant, Project Manager
"WP Engine is hands-down the best place to host a WordPress site"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WP Engine's managed hosting environment is by far the best way to host a WordPress site. We build and manage many websites for a wide variety of clients. When a particular client or website demands the best possible performance and security, we put them on WP Engine. Besides unmatched site performance, WP Engine's host of features makes our work as designers, developers, and webmasters very easy. We love and make frequent use of their git push, free SSL certificates, htaccess site security, domain management, and more, all of which is very easy to use through their online portal. These tools are a key part of our workflow. And on top of all of this, their customer service is phenomenal. They answer quickly and their support representatives are very knowledgable, even about highly technical topics. In the rare case they do not know something, they quickly get a technician involved. The few issues that we have had have been resolved quickly and easily. WP Engine offers enterprise-grade performance and service at incredibly reasonable and accessible prices. We love WP Engine!

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

We really have nothing negative to say about WP Engine. If I had to come up with something, I would say that sometimes their list of disallowed plugins prevents us from using plugins we would like to use, however overall we agree with their list of disallowed plugins and it really helps prevent reckless WordPress configurations.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WP Engine helps us solve a variety of business problems for our even wider variety of clients. Usually the key reason for migrating a client's site to WP Engine is site performance: A WP Engine site is blazingly fast. Our clients (and us) also love the security and daily backups. And their other tools and features make our development workflow seamless and efficient (the git push is great!).

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 24, 2017
Overall Rating:
Nate R.
"My favorite Managed WordPress Hosting service"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WPEngine offers extremely fast-loading Managed WordPress hosting and makes it very easy to enhance speed with their variety of included tools.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I don't like the traffic limiting. Although it hasn't been a problem yet, I just have a philosophical difference in opinion.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

When I was using a different host, my site speeds were topping out at 3 seconds. I wanted to get faster. WPEngine has allowed me to have a much faster initial load time, as well as offers features that help me go further.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 23, 2017
Overall Rating:
Pat S.
Ceo, Founder And Host
"From a Yugo to a Tesla"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

There are two things I really like. One is the absolute reliability of the hosting. There has been only one short downtime since I switched from one of the bigger low costing hosting options that was plagued with down times. The other thing I like is the reliability of the tech support. Compared to the other host, it is like going from a Ugo to a Tesla.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I wish it cost less just like I wish a Tesla was affordable...oh well.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

I am trying to expand my reach and monetize my content. Having a reliable hosting experience is obviously foundational to that.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 21, 2017
Overall Rating:
Scott J.
Principal/Marketing And Seo Consultant
"Outstanding Performance and Nearly Immediate Service"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

I really appreciate how WPE console allows me to review and modify all my client accounts from one easy to use control panel. It takes a bit to make the jump from cpanels, but well worth it! Secondly, it is really nice to know that any one of their support people you talk to know more about WordPress than you do!

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Their documentation and it's availability/indexing could use some work. Often I have to bug a tech for something that should be easy to find in a KB of some sort.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

I manage the hosting accounts for several large WordPress sites and it is great to know that WPE has my back from a hosting standpoint. I would say the biggest benefit I have seen as a small agency is that I don't have to employ an Apache/Hosting guy. WPE handles all of that for me.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 21, 2017
Overall Rating:
Tim C. avatar
Tim C.
"High Performance, Excellent Service, Extremely Reliable, Good Value"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Their server performance is excellent. We almost never have any downtime. Their support for WordPress developers is outstanding, both in terms of built-in tools and services as well as their 24x7 support by knowledgeable and cheerfully-helpful support engineers.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Nothing, really. There have been no significant problems for us in using WPEngine since we began using them in 2013.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

We need high-performance, high-reliability managed WordPress hosting for our clients, whose websites we manage. Occasionally we also need experienced WordPress-savvy support engineers to talk with regarding new challenges and requirements that result from client requests. WPEngine's infrastructure and support personnel have fulfilled those needs very, very well for us.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 21, 2017
Overall Rating:
Justin D. avatar
Justin D.
Director Of Design & Dev Ops
"Hands down an amazing hosting platform"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

There are so many pieces to proper hosting and WP Engine has them all... Speed, SSL security, support, backups, staging, etc.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

There isn't any one thing that stands out as something that I dislike as I have been very satisfied having built and designed plenty of websites on this platform to date.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

When providing Web Design services there are some key things that are important and speed and security and are becoming more inseparable from the overall user experience.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 21, 2017
Overall Rating:
Jason M.
Marketing Director
"Absolutely blow away by their service"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WP Engine has stellar customer service. As someone who works all hours, having 24/7 chat support was a HUGE selling point for me. Now, after a few months of service, I can say that their 24/7 support is simply amazing. There's never a wait time more than a few minutes and the support staff is always helpful.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

SSL implementation can cause issues when added after launch, but the support staff is always quick to help.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Since beginning with WP Engine, we have begun closing our accounts with all other hosting providers. As a WordPress consultant and WordPress design agency, we are blown away by the understanding of the content management system, as well as the level of support given. We've also realized how great the uptime is with WP Engine. After running a test across other WordPress installations on other hosting providers, WP Engine blew the competition away. After 2 months, ALL WP Engine sites had 100% uptime! Nobody came close.

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