Kahoot is so great for team games, meetings, training and so much more! It allows the creator to select from preexisting templates, or create their own! It is easy to use and very straightforward.
My issue with Kahoot! is that I cannot justify the subscription price for our small company. It also doesn't allow you to sign up for a one time event which I feel like is a huge miss on their end because I would use it often if it was reasonably priced like some of its competitors
I use Kahoot! after a presentation to ensure my team understood the material that I was presenting. It's a great way to drive the point home in a fun environment!
I like that Kahoot allows me to essentially quiz my students and get immediate feedback on how well they are doing on a particular concept. The students like it best because it feels like a game and appeals to their competitive side.
I dislike the connectivity issues we sometimes experience. Whether on wifi or on data, students occasionally have trouble with the app and website going too slow and they miss out on answering their question, or they are penalized by the time.
Kahoot is great for both allowing me to create my own games and for the ability to search what others have created as well. I had a review lesson planned one day but my students begged for kahoot and said how much they feel like they learn when we play that way. So, I searched on the spot for a kahoot on our topic.
I like that Kahoot makes students feel like they are involved in a game show. The music makes them feel excited and engaged in the topic. Also, students like that after each question it shows them were they are in their ranking against the rest of the class. This feeds on their competitive natures and encourages them to put forth more effort into their answers on the quiz. If they know what a Kahoot quiz is coming up than they will study beforehand for the quiz so that they can beat their teammates and win whatever prize I am offering.
I dislike that Kahoot doesn't allow for different question styles and formats beyond the basic multiple choice or true or false options that it currently has available. Also, it might be fun to be able to customize Kahoot more by changing fonts, colors, or background schemes.
I am a teacher, not a business person. This question doesn't apply to me.
It is easy to use, it makes it easy for me to break the ice at the beginning of meetings or a workshop, also to check if the topics that are being developed are being understood
Initially the free version had multiple options, then they changed and the free version is practically no longer useful, so it necessarily forces you to pay a cost to use it, and it is not one of the cheapest options, there are other similar ones that offer more in their free version advantages, that is why today I practically do not use it
facilitates interaction with the audience, gamification makes people tend to participate more and can learn in a more fun and unstructured way, It is easier for them to give feedback on a particular topic through the tool
Kahoot is undoubtedly one of our favourite employee engagement tools. It's an incredible tool for bringing people together while having fun.
I feel that it's a little pricey, I really want them to focus on providing more affordable services. Yes, there is a free plan but most of the features are absent in the free version.
The 30-minute Kahoot sessions that we host every month are a big hit and something that all our employees look forward to. Honestly, I haven't been very convinced by any of its alternatives.
Lo mejor de Kahoot es que es muy sencillo de utilizar. Ofrece al docente una interfaz limpia, clara, elegante y minimalista con la cuál podrás hacer en pocos minutos test para proyectar en clase y que los alumnos jueguen, se entretengan, y aprendan al mismo tiempo. Además, se maneja todo en la nube, no hay que instalar nada, lo cuál hace que se pueda jugar en cualquier sitio con independencia de la plataforma. Las preguntas del test pueden ponerse de diferentes tipos, como ordenar, o elegfir V o F, o bien elegir una opción entre varias (en la versión free). En la versión premium, tenemos más opciones disponibles. Además se pueden subir fotos para acompañar a la pregunta. Es posible usar una versión free para hacer test simples, con lo cuál no vas a sufrir de costosos gastos.
Lo peor de Kahoot es que el número de caracteres a incluir en las respuestas posibles a veces se queda demasiado pequeño. El precio no es caro, en su versión premium, pero tampoco es algo muy barato. Se echa de menos poder subir un vídeo en las preguntas o una pista musical. Necesitas de conexión a internet para funcionar, además de un cañón proyector de luz para plasmar la pantalla con las pregutnas, y un dispositivo conectado a internet por cada alumno que quiera ser partícipe de la experiencia.
Usamos Kahoot al final de cada tema a modo de repaso, para asentar conceptos. Se utiliza el ordenador del profesor, que mediante un cañón de luz se proyecta el juego, con sus preguntas y contador del tiempo sobre una pared. Los alumnos, desde sus ordenadores, o bioen desde sus smart phones, introducen el código pin que el docente proporciona, y se van incorporando al juego con su nombre elegido. Una vez que comienza el juego, responden utilizando un código de colores que les aparece en sus dispositivos, asociado cada color a las posibles respuestasde cada pregunta. Al finalizar el mismo, nos reporta feedback de cada uno de los participantes, así como un top de la clase.
Kahoot! 360 Presenter Plan has the most attractive features so far. It allows me do conduct polls, brainstorming activities, word clouds and quizzes for my training programs and even during our events.
I love everything about Kahoot! The price may seem a bit pricy. Can they maybe give discounts to long-time clients?
It addresses our concerns on creating and conducting engaging and interactive training sessions and events for our company.
Provides quick feedback about student comprehension of topics. Allows users to take advantage of assessments created by others and modify them as necessary.
Not much. It was very useful. Did not like that it was not uncommon for students to use expletives and inappropriate language when they were signing in for the kahoot quiz and giving a name.
Instant feedback on the overall understanding that students in a class have of the subject matter. Good for initial assessments prior to a lesson, or preparation for a summative assessment.